Article 1 – Goal and Participation

1.The International Conference of Young Scientists (ICYS) is essentially an individual competition on the presentations of scientific research carried out by secondary school students which are evaluated by the International Jury.
2.On the date of the opening (ceremony) of the Conference the students have not entered any kind of higher education nor will their age exceed 20 years.
3.The following table gives an overview upon the allowed combinations of numbers of students, presentations and leaders of a delegation:
students presentations delegation leaders
2 2 1
3 2 or 3 1
4 3 or 4 1 or 2
5 3 or 5 1 or 2
6 4 to 6 1 or 2
 Each country sends normally 1 delegation. Additional members to the delegation should be requested by the Country Representative to the LOC. The LOC will provide a procedure for processing these requests.
 Every year the secretary of the Steering Committee (SC) draws up a list of countries that have the right to be invited to send a delegation to the ICYS. This list shall be officially sent to the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) within 2 months after the last Conference.
 Countries who are interested in sending a delegation and who had no contact with any previous ICYS should first send an observer to the next Conference.
 All members of the SC have the right to be invited as individuals by the LOC of the host country.

Article 2 - The Local Organizing Committee

All proposals and decisions made by the LOC regarding the organization of the ICYS shall be taken in close coordination with the president and/or the secretary of the SC.
1.The first announcement of the ICYS shall be published not later than half a year before the date of the ICYS.
2.The first announcement shall contain information about the location and data of the Conference as well as deadlines for the submission of the contributions and guidelines.
3.The LOC shall, based on the SC’s list of countries to be invited, invite the Country Representatives to register their respective country’s delegation members.
4.The LOC can set limits to the number of delegation members and presentations.
5.The LOC guarantees proper conditions for all the participating students and shall provide audio-visual means in order to assure the best possible presentations by the participating students.
6.The LOC has the right to propose new countries to be invited. A list of such countries shall be submitted to the secretary of the SC before September 1st prior to the year of the Conference. After consultation with the members of the SC, the President of the SC shall take a decision on the invitation of new countries. The final decision shall be officially sent by email and/or in writing to the LOC before October 1st prior to the year of the Conference. This decision shall be deemed final.
7.The LOC shall, with the SC’s agreement, appoint a competent International Jury able to evaluate the presentations during the ICYS, prior to the Conference.
8.The LOC shall provide awards for the winners of the ICYS.
9.The LOC shall, with the SC’s agreement, provide guidelines to assess the presentations and posters. These guidelines shall normally involve such items as:
a)statement of the problem
b)justification of methods and techniques applied by the presenter in order to solve the problem
c)results and conclusions.
 These guidelines shall be published on the central website of the ICYS as well as on the website of the LOC for the next conference.
10.In addition to what is stipulated in the Statutes, the LOC shall provide a cultural program for all the participants during the ICYS.

Article 3 - Submission of abstracts

1.Abstracts of the presentations shall be submitted to the LOC by digital means and, if possible, in writing prior to a deadline fixed by the LOC. Supervisors of the research should be acknowledged in the abstracts.
2.The presentations shall be divided according to the following categories:
c)Computer Science
d)Environmental Sciences
f)Life Sciences
 The LOC, upon approval by the SC, can arrange an additional category.
3.Each delegation must submit presentations in at least two different categories.
4.The submitted abstracts shall be judged by the LOC, at the latest one week prior to the Conference, in order to make the division as balanced as possible where the competition categories are of more or less equal size.
5.The abstracts of the presentations will be uploaded on the local homepage of ICYS one week prior to the Conference.

Article 4 - Presentations

1.The working language of the ICYS is English.
2.Only one of the authors shall present the research work and respond to questions posed by members of the jury.
3.The presentations shall reflect the results of research that is dominantly achieved by the presenter alone or in collaboration with other school students. During the research no experiments should be carried out which cause suffering and / or killing of vertebrates. Handling of species protected by law in the host country or by International Conventions (i.e. CITES) is not permitted (similar as on the International Biology Olympiad).
4.Every presentation should last no longer than 15 minutes. Extra time for the preparation may be allowed by the head of the jury.
5.Questions can be put to the presenter after the presentation during a limited time fixed by the head of the jury.
6.Only members of the jury are allowed to pose questions to the lecturer.
7.Normally the LOC shall ensure one prize (e.g. medal) and one certificate per awarded presentation. The LOC shall provide different certificates for the co-authors.
8.The number of prizes within each category should be around 60% of the number of presentations.

Article 5 – Posters

1.The poster presentation is compulsory for all participating students.
2.The LOC shall ensure prizes for the posters too.

Article 6 - The International Jury

1.The International Jury is appointed by the LOC with the SC’s agreement.
2.The members of the International Jury shall be experts in the corresponding category.
3.The jury for each category shall consist of at least five members. The jury shall not be changed during the ICYS.
4.In each category of ICYS the LOC, with the SC’s agreement, appoints the head of the jury prior to the conference. The head of the jury should have had previous experience as head of the jury or jury member in (a) previous ICYS.
5.The International Jury for each category shall meet at the latest, the day before the first round of presentations.
6.The members of the International Jury shall evaluate the presentations individually by allotting marks between 1 and 10 according with the following scheme:
a)very poor: 1 or 2
b)poor: 3 or 4
c)satisfactory: 5 or 6
d)good: 7 or 8
e)excellent: 9 or 10
7.The evaluation of the members of Jury shall be done consistent to the guidelines provided by the LOC. The head of the jury may ask members of the jury to clarify their marking.
8.The score for every presentation is the algebraic sum of the marks of the members of jury. When the jury consists of six or more members the lowest mark is left out. In addition to this the highest mark is left out when the jury consists of seven or more members.
9.The final results of the marking (expressed as a percentage of the maximum points achievable) of the winning presentations shall be announced at the awarding ceremony. These final results shall be published in the LOC website.
10.The Jury of the Poster Section is composed of the president and one more representative of each scientific field.
11.The evaluation by the members of Poster Jury shall be done consistent to the guidelines provided by the LOC.