Article 1 - Name, Seat and Duration

1.The foundation is named: “Foundation of the International Conference of Young Scientists”
2.The foundation is domiciled in the municipality of Budapest, Hungary.
3.The foundation is established for an indefinite period of time.
4.The International Conference of Young Scientists is founded by the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary and the Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus.

Article 2 - Purpose

1.The purpose of the foundation is:
a)to popularize scientific research amongst school students;
b)to stimulate the scientific careers of youngsters;
c)to promote the communication and friendship between youngsters.
2.The foundation effectuates its purposes by organizing an annual conference, named the “International Conference of Young Scientists” at a location determined by the Steering Committee (SC) in accordance with the Local Organizing Committee (LOC).

Article 3 - Assets

1.The foundation’s assets exist of:
a)contributions of participants;
b)subsidies and donations;
c)endowments, heirlooms, and specific legacies;
d)compensations for the activities as set out in article 2, paragraph 2;
e)all other incomes and acquisitions.

Article 4 - Committees

The foundation recognizes several committees.
1.The SC can establish committees with a specific task, according to the rules prescribed in the regulations. Regulations relating to the composition, tasks and competence of each committee and committee member need to be discussed and approved by the SC before the appointment of the committee members.
2.According to the rules laid down in the regulations, every year an LOC is established.

Article 5 - Steering Committee

1.The foundation’s SC consists of at least three members and is appointed by this deed for the first time. At least one member of the SC shall be a representative of the Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Hungary and at least one member shall be a representative of the Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus. The President of the LOC of the next host country shall be represented in the SC as a member up to one month after the conference is over. The number of SC members will be determined by the SC unanimously, with due observance of the provision set out in the previous sentence. To be appointed as member of the SC, he/she should be available for at least one year.
2.The SC embodies a president, a secretary, and a treasurer. One person cannot carry out more than one function.
3.When one (or more) vacanc(y)(ies) occur(s) as a result of the departure of (a) member(s) of the SC a meeting of the SC will fill this vacancy by appointing one (or more) successor(s).
4.A member appointed for an interim vacancy must resign at the time prescribed for the SC member being replaced.
5.If one or more SC member(s) are/is missing, for whatever reason, the remaining SC member(s) will nevertheless form a legal entity.
6.SC members are appointed for a period of four years.
7.Outgoing members of the SC can be re-appointed immediately.

Article 6 - Steering Committee meetings and decisions

1.SC meetings can only be convened by the President or by two other SC members together, as often as he/she/they think is necessary.
2.A written notice to convene a meeting is sent to the addresses of the members of the SC.
3.An SC meeting should be held at least once a year. This annual meeting is held not later than six months after the end of the fiscal year. During this annual meeting, the following subjects must be addressed:
a)the annual report and accounts, as referred to in Article 9;
b)vacancies, if any;
c)proposals as announced in the written notice.
4.The SC meeting is chaired by the president. If the president is absent, the meeting will appoint an SC member to chair the meeting.
5.Unless otherwise provided by the articles of association or by law all resolutions of the meeting of SC members will be adopted by an absolute majority of the votes cast.
6.Votes will be cast orally, unless the president or another person holding the right to vote considers a vote by ballot more desirable.
7.As long as all members of the SC are present or attended by proxy, valid resolutions can be adopted on condition that these resolutions are adopted unanimously.
8.Resolutions adopted can concern any submitted subject — also proposals on amending the articles of association or to dissolve the foundation — without issuing a notice in advance or dealing with other prescribed manners and formalities concerning the convening of meetings.
9.The SC can also adopt resolutions without holding a meeting, on the condition that all SC members are provided an opportunity — in writing or by any other means of communication — to voice their opinion. If a resolution is adopted in this manner, the secretary will draw up a report of the statements. This report will be included in the minutes, after being co-signed by the President.

Article 7 - Authority and representation of the Steering Committee

1.The SC is responsible for managing the foundation.
2.The SC is authorized to decide to enter into agreements of acquisition, alienation and encumbrance of registered properties.
3.The SC is also authorized to decide to enter into agreements, whereby the foundation binds itself as a surety or commits itself as a joint or several debtor, or to warrant performance by a third party or to provide security for a debt of an other party.
4.The SC will supervise the proper conduct of the Conference as executed by the Local Organizing Committee (LOC).
5.The SC will approve the rules and guidelines for the proper conduct of the Conference as suggested by the LOC;
6.The SC will determine the scientific fields. Any additional categories suggested will also need the SC’s approval;
7.Based on the LOC’s suggestions, the SC will decide which countries can participate in the Conference.

Article 8 - Representation

1.The SC represents the foundation legally and otherwise.
2.The authority to represent the foundation may be delegated to two SC members, when acting jointly.
3.The SC can authorize one or more SC members to represent the foundation as well as a third party.

Article 9 - Termination of membership of the Steering Committee

Membership of the SC terminates:
a)by periodical resignation,
b)on the death of a SC member,
c)when an SC member is placed under tutelage,
d)by written resignation (retirement),
e)when a member ends its participation in the foundation,
f)when a member is dismissed by the other SC members acting jointly.

Article 10 - Fiscal year, annual report and accounts

1.The fiscal year of the foundation runs from the first of July up to and including the thirtieth of June of every following year.
2.Within six months after the end of every fiscal year, the treasurer will draw up the balance sheet (annual report) and the annual accounts. The annual report and accounts will be signed by all SC members if found correct.
3.The SC can have the annual report and accounts audited by a chartered accountant.

Article 11 - The Local Organizing Committee

1.The LOC determines, with the SC’s agreement, in the period from April till June the dates of the Conference for which they are responsible.
2.The LOC determines, with the SC’s agreement, the maximum number of participants in the Conference.
3.The LOC is responsible for the organization and the proper conduct of the Conference.

Article 12 - The Delegations

1.The invitation to each country to participate in the ICYS will go through a Country Representative. The Country Representative is responsible for transferring the information to and from the person/organization responsible for the selection of that country’s delegation members. The Country Representative will be appointed by the SC and his/her name published on the central ICYS website. The representatives of the country should attend the conference.
2.Every invited country is represented by a delegation of at most six students and two leaders.
3.At the discretion of the LOC, and upon the approval by the SC, the number of the delegation members may be extended.
4.Normally the students of the delegations are the winners of national or regional competitions.
5.At the dates of the Conference the students have not entered any kind of higher education nor will their age exceed 20 years.
6.All countries who participated as observer and/or with a delegation during the past three years in the Conference have the right to be invited to be present with a delegation.

Article 13 - Regulations

1.The SC is authorized to draw up regulations concerning all subjects that are not contained in the Regulations.
2.Complementary regulations made by the SC may not be in conflict with the Law or the Regulations.
3.The SC is authorized to abolish or to amend the Regulations.
4.Drawing up regulations as well as amending or abolishing the Regulations is possible after application of what is set out in Article 14.

Article 14 - Amendment to the articles of the foundation

The SC is authorized to, when approved with a two-third majority, to amend the regulations and to let the foundation merge within the meaning of the law, with another legal person.
These resolutions can only be adopted unanimously during a meeting where all members of the SC are present or attended by proxy without there being a vacancy.

Article 15 - Dissolution and Liquidation

1.The SC is authorized to, with a two-third majority of the votes cast in the affirmative; dissolve the foundation, with application of what is stipulated in Article 14.
2.The foundation will continue to exist after dissolution, to make liquidation of the foundation’s assets possible.
3.Liquidation is effected by the SC, unless the SC appoints a third party as a liquidator.
4.The provisions laid down in these regulations need to remain in effect as much as possible during liquidation.
5.In case of a credit balance the foundation’s money will be spent in accordance with the purpose of the foundation.
6.At the end of the liquidation all record and document of the foundation will be deposited with the youngest liquidator during ten years.

Article 16 - Final stipulation

1.In cases not provided for by the regulations or by Law the SC decides. The SC needs to render account of its decisions to the members.
2.Finally, the person appearing declared that the following persons will be appointed to the SC for the first time:
a)Zsuzsanna Rajkovits (Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary), as president;
b)Leonid Markovich (Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus) as vice-president;
c)Hans Jordens (University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands), as member;
d)Andrey Timoshchenko (International Sakharov Environmental University, Minsk, Belarus), as member.
3.The official version of the ICYS Statutes and Regulations is only valid on the central ICYS website.